Program Series



Presented by CLA

More Information About the Program

Program Overview

A program for seasoned professionals to find personal purpose and make a transformational community impact.

The Chamber ALX is excited to announce it’s newest program, focused on spring boarding the region’s leaders into their next adventure. Participants will discover their individual purpose, passions, and confront the challenges and hurdles of transition. Retirement is not the end, together we’ll find out what’s Up Next.

This seven month professional development program features three components that provide an comprehensive experience:

Facilitated Topics

Topics explored include:

  • – Purpose & Passion
  • – Physical Transitions
  • – Finding the Second Act

Expert Speakers

We are excited to be partnering with expert Alexandria businesses on

  • – Success Stories
  • – Psychological Transitions
  • – Financial Planning
  • – Profession Adjacent Pathways
  • – Nonprofit & Educational Opportunities

Private Coaching

Unique to Up Next is a private coaching element. Participants will be partnered with a private coach for three meet-ups after key sessions. These sessions offer participants an individualized opportunity to further dig and apply learned concepts. While the seven sessions will be hosted in-person, private coaching will be available in both in-person and virtual formats.

Class Connections

Due to the small (by design) class size, participants build strong and lasting bonds with their classmates. 


The class will meet once a month on a for a full day of programming.

Program Advisory Committee

Much thanks to our advisory committee for steering the launch of this new program

  • – Lonnie Rich – Family First Law Group
  • – Marcia Call – TalentFront
  • – Toni Andrews – George Mason University
  • – Joy Curriera – Retired Brigadier General, US Army
  • – Bill Euille – Former City of Alexandria Mayor
  • – Andrew Palmieri – Saul Ewing LLP
  • – David G. Speck – Former City of Alexandria Councilman and Virginia House Delegate

Program Cost

Program cost for Up Next is $5,000

Tuition is due by September 10th, 2024 and is payable by check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

The Chamber will notify all applicants of their status by September 2, 2024.


Email us at


Our Sponsors

Belonging to The Chamber ALX ensures that you can access the solutions that benefit your business and invest in the health of our entire business community.